Mot du directeur
AbdelJalil MIALED
Directeur Général
De nos jours l’école n’est plus une simple institution à laquelle est dévolue la transmission des connaissances académiques. Elle est devenue la principale institution sociale chargée de la socialisation des enfants.
Désormais, l’école doit également prendre en compte les besoins et les intérêts divers des élèves.
Chez Samae School Group, nous croyons fermement que pour répondre à ces besoins et attentes, il est essentiel de repenser autrement l’école et l’éducation.
Notre engagement en faveur de l’excellence, et notre ambition de faire de notre école l’école du troisième millénaire, nous amènent à adopter une approche innovante et centrée sur l’élève. Pour nous, repenser l’éducation signifie permettre à chaque élève de s’intégrer dans la communauté scolaire, de développer ses connaissances et ses compétences, mais aussi de cultiver son estime de soi et sa confiance en ses capacités d’apprentissage.
En résumé
Samae School Group, se veut une école moderne, citoyenne et performante, qui offre bien plus qu’un simple enseignement académique. En effet, nous sommes déterminés à soutenir nos élèves dans leur développement personnel et leur réussite scolaire, tout en leur offrant des activités sportives, culturelles et artistiques variées. En somme, nous avons pour devoir d’offrir à nos élèves tous les savoirs, savoir-faire, savoir-être, savoir-vivre…
Tout ceci se fera dans le respect de nos valeurs morales et éthiques et des recommandations de notre pays, à savoir « former un citoyen vertueux, modèle de rectitude, de modération et de tolérance, ouvert à la science et à la connaissance et doté de l’esprit d’initiative, de créativité et d’entreprise ».
Pour ce faire, les parents sont appelés à une collaboration beaucoup plus étroite avec l’école pour faciliter la mise en œuvre de notre projet pédagogique.
Senior Staff
Harriet Erickson
Vice President, Student Affairs
Wesley Clark was named Senior Advisor to the President in May 2018. An expert in corporate law, he teaches a wide range of courses including Contracts, Sales, Closely Held Business Organizations, Publicly Traded Corporations, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Law and International Securities Regulation.
Wesley Clarke
Senior Advisor to the President
Betty Bowman joined the faculty in 2002, and received tenure there in 2007. Before joining the faculty, she was a visiting assistant professor at Syracuse University College of Law. Prior to that, she was a legal consultant with JPMorgan Chase; a contract attorney for Cravath, Swaine & Moore; and an assistant prosecutor for the Ministry of the Attorney General in Toronto, Canada.
Betty Bowman
Acting Vice President for Finance
With over four decades of law teaching experience, Johnny Jones is a nationally-recognized constitutionalist who has received numerous awards for his teaching, including the first-ever Pioneer Award for his commitment and dedication to students from the FIU Student Bar Association in 2004. Since then, students have voted him “Professor of the Year” multiple times.
Johnny Jones
Dean, Diversity and Compliance
Dennis Ruiz was a member of the faculty at Texas Tech University School of Law, where she held the Alvin R. Allison Distinguished Professorship and received every teaching award the law school and the University conferred. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Professor of American Constitutional Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Greece in 1992.
Dennis Ruiz
Acting Vice President of Administration
Vernon Lowe first joined the University in 2006 as Assistant Dean for Academic Support Programs. He served as Assistant Dean until 2013, when he became a full time lecturer at the College. He teaches classes relating to legal theory and reasoning, race and law, gender and law, and in the area of commercial transactions.
Vernon Lowe
Assistant Vice President for Communications
Harriet Erickson
Vice President, Student Affairs
Wesley Clark was named Senior Advisor to the President in May 2018. An expert in corporate law, he teaches a wide range of courses including Contracts, Sales, Closely Held Business Organizations, Publicly Traded Corporations, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Law and International Securities Regulation.
Wesley Clarke
Senior Advisor to the President
Betty Bowman joined the faculty in 2002, and received tenure there in 2007. Before joining the faculty, she was a visiting assistant professor at Syracuse University College of Law. Prior to that, she was a legal consultant with JPMorgan Chase; a contract attorney for Cravath, Swaine & Moore; and an assistant prosecutor for the Ministry of the Attorney General in Toronto, Canada.
Betty Bowman
Acting Vice President for Finance
With over four decades of law teaching experience, Johnny Jones is a nationally-recognized constitutionalist who has received numerous awards for his teaching, including the first-ever Pioneer Award for his commitment and dedication to students from the FIU Student Bar Association in 2004. Since then, students have voted him “Professor of the Year” multiple times.
Johnny Jones
Dean, Diversity and Compliance
Dennis Ruiz was a member of the faculty at Texas Tech University School of Law, where she held the Alvin R. Allison Distinguished Professorship and received every teaching award the law school and the University conferred. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Professor of American Constitutional Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Greece in 1992.
Dennis Ruiz
Acting Vice President of Administration
Vernon Lowe first joined the University in 2006 as Assistant Dean for Academic Support Programs. He served as Assistant Dean until 2013, when he became a full time lecturer at the College. He teaches classes relating to legal theory and reasoning, race and law, gender and law, and in the area of commercial transactions.
Vernon Lowe
Assistant Vice President for Communications